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Learn and Play Golf - Leagues, Clinics, Outings, Events & Trips

WGANJ offers many playing options to provide as much flexibility and opportunities to assure that we get as many women as possible on the golf course.

2023 Summer Golf Leagues

WGANJ offers 9 and 18 hole golf leagues for all levels of play, from Beginners to Advanced Competitive Leagues, offered during the week, days, nights and weekends.  Most leagues play weekly on an established day and time for up to 15 weeks and have between 8 and 24 golfers in each league which is coordinated by a League Captain. 

Play golf throughout the season on a regular basis, usually running May through August. Join other members with similar playing abilities.

WGANJ has added information to General and Intermediate league descriptions to help you select the league that is right for you.

Advanced Beginner to General League TransitionAdvanced Beginner/General Transition league is the perfect transition for those who have completed the advanced beginner program but may not yet have developed the confidence to play in a general league with more experienced players. This league offers the opportunity move up to a general league yet maintain the comfort of knowing the players are at the same ability level.  

WGANJ encourages members who select this league do use it as a steppingstone to a different general league next year.

Beginner Friendly – This league is open to all golfers and welcomes those that have completed Beginner and/or Advanced Beginner leagues. You may pick up the ball to speed the pace of play. Players may choose to play in a scramble format.  Pairings in this league would best be determined by each player’s confidence and ability so that all members enjoy their round.

­Social Golfer – Players may or may not keep a score. This group is purely interested in playing a round of golf with friends and may not want to be paired up with others.  Members of this league are comfortable on the course and maintain pace of play while socializing on the course.  

Handicap Seekers – This league is open to golfers who are becoming more serious about their game and are working to attain a handicap.  All rounds are scored and recorded in GHIN.  In this league, members are expected to mix up foursomes and play with various members of the league.

Serious Social Golfer – Players always keep a score. This group strives to get through nine holes in 2:15 and follows most rules but also enjoys their round of golf with friends and may not want to be paired up with others.  Members of this league are comfortable on the course and maintain pace of play.   

Handicap Improvers – This league is open to golfers who are serious about their game.  They already maintain a handicap index and are working to lower it.  All scores will be recorded.  Members of this league may walk onto the Intermediate League periodically to test their skill and see if they are ready to step up.

Golf Clinics and Lessons

A new golf season brings challenges to golfers of all levels of play from the beginner golfer who wants to learn to play to the more experienced golfer who wants to lower her handicap. WGANJ provides many golf instruction offerings for every skill level and to meet all schedules. 


Golf Outings, Events & Golf Trips

A variety of outings for all levels of play are offered throughout the golf season with both stroke and scramble formats usually available.  In addition, events are offered regularly - our holiday party, fashion shows, and golf shopping nights.  Golf outings and events provide our members and their guests the chance to meet new friends, network, win prizes, enjoy good food and beverages…and, most of all, to have FUN!

Golf Trips, usually a weekend away, offer 2-3 days of great golfing opportunities.  A great way to get away from the daily grind and hit the links.  Our Golf Trips are offered for all levels of play and are offered several times per year. 2016 trips included the golf courses of Vermont, Cape May and The Poconos.

Make sure to check the Home Page under 'Upcoming Events' as well as 'Golfing Events and Tournaments' to see current and upcoming events.

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