USGA Handicap Program
WGANJ encourages members to establish a World Handicap Index. A handicap index enables you to track improvements in your golf game and compete in events with players of different abilities.
What is the World Handicap System?
CLICK HERE to learn about the new World Handicap System.
How Do I know if I'm ready to establish my USGA Handicap Index?
Are you counting every stroke and penalty?
Do you plan to track your progress and game growth?
Are you ready to follow tournament rules in competitions?
Are you planning to participate in competitions during this season?
How Do I Sign Up And Begin To Establish My USGA Handicap Index?
- Complete the USGA/GHIN registration and payment. Last day to register is August 15.
- If this is a first time registration you will be informed of your GHIN # and instructions on how to post scores. If this is a renewal, your same GHIN will be activated.
- Play golf and enter scores via the Internet or at any golf course that provides USGA handicap input.
- Use your Handicap Index when playing in golfing events and to track your improvement.
- Win Prizes in WGANJ events!
- Handicap Registration is not suggested for Advanced Beginners or Beginners.
- In order to keep up with the rising cost of handicap maintenance through the USGA, WGANJ will now offer Handicap Registration/Renewals at a significant discount to you for only $20.