If you are a NEW member, please complete the Member Application completely. We would appreciate you providing all information as requested. We use this information to help better serve you. Thanks and WELCOME to WGANJ!
If you were a 2020 WGANJ Member, your login information was provided to you via email. Before completing this Annual Dues Member Application, please make sure that you are logged in using your existing WGANJ email address and the default password that you were supplied in your renewal email. Once you have logged in, please make sure that you change your password by pressing your name and Change Password located at the top of the page (Please do not share your password).
Remember to refer your friends. You'll receive $10 for everyone you refer through the Member-Get-A-Member program and will be entered into the free annual membership drawing. Make sure she uses your name so you get the credit.
Congratulations to Laura Deptula , Member-Get-A-Member winner of a free 2020 membership!
We look forward to a terrific golfing season!
Dedicated to providing the best golf opportunities for women in New Jersey Copyright © 2004-2011, Women's Golf Association of New Jersey, Inc.