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League Registration - 2020

  • 07 Apr 2020
  • 7:00 PM

League Registration

This is the time to register for the league(s) you want to play this summer!


Watch your email for updates.

In light of the Coronavirus, we will re-evaluate the scheduled start date of leagues.  For this reason, we are holding off on registration to mitigate the need for refunds if the season schedule requires adjustment.

Some leagues are quite popular and will fill up within minutes.

Following are some tips to help make

this experience as easy as possible:

 Login to your account several days before league registration to

make sure there are no issues with your password

 Make plans to be at a computer with reliable internet access

Login to your account early, at least 10 - 15 minutes before 7pm

Once you are on the League Page, please continue to hit the refresh button on your browser every 10 - 15 seconds as 7pm approaches

If you do not have your payment information available, choose the invoice me option and return later to make payment arrangements

If you would like to register for more than one league,

register for the most popular league first

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