The WGANJ Board of Directors welcomes all members and encourages attendance at some or all meetings throughout the year.
As an "all volunteer" organization, we depend on you, the member, to get involved and keep the organization running and moving forward. We are dedicated to offering members the best golfing opportunities for women in New Jersey
If you have a desire to learn more about how WGANJ operates and upcoming activities, attending the monthly meeting should be in your plan.
Join us for a meeting and enjoy a light dinner at 6:00 PM followed by business at 6:30 PM.
Monthly meetings held at PGA Tour Superstore in Paramus on Route 17 South.
DUE TO COVID-19 Board Meetings are being held by ZOOM.
Dedicated to providing the best golf opportunities for women in New Jersey Copyright © 2004-2011, Women's Golf Association of New Jersey, Inc.