81 Pleasant Hill Rd, Flanders, NJ 07836
As the season winds down, join your friends and league mates for one more event filled with fun, food and of course, golf.
Check in begins at 8:00 with a shotgun start at 9:00am. The relaxed program allows each foursome to decide the format that suits you best. Whether you choose a scramble or stroke play, this is a course you'll want to play and an experience you'll remember.
There will be contests and prizes, and a great selection of door prizes, and of course the 50/50.
A BBQ lunch will be served immediately following the round so you'll have time to relax with your friends to catch up on the happenings of the season.
Member price $ 95 ; guests $ 145.
(*participation in this event is limited to women)
Your WGANJ membership dollars at work, this event is being subsidized over $50 for members.
Dedicated to providing the best golf opportunities for women in New Jersey Copyright © 2004-2011, Women's Golf Association of New Jersey, Inc.